Shure SE535 in-ears review

Februari 2015: So I had been looking to replace my in-ears with something new because the cable was getting worse and worse. I was getting used to my 50 euro in-ears breaking down at roughly two years of age; I had gone to like three or four pairs in the past six years. But this…

Favourites in Music (2014)

2015, welcome! Time to reflect on things from 2014, make lists and all that stuff. So, without further ado my favourite discoveries in 2014. They aren’t necessarily new, but I just discovered them this year. I made a Spotify playlist of my favourites 2014: clicky Agalloch – The Serpent and the Sphere (2014) My favourite…

To which albums do I keep coming back?

While driving I’ve been listening to an MP-CD I burned when I was about 17. It was a full blown trip down memory lane and I still love most of the albums on this MP3-CD! Muse – Origin of Symmetry Heard this album first when I was about 15 and I think it’s the best Muse…

First day of spring

So today was the first day of 2013 I ditched my winter coat and felt actual warmth. Altough I had to work and couldn’t enjoy a full day outside, for lunch I had a blissful hour of basking in the sun. Somehow this song from Netsky fit my mood.


Muziek bij films speelt, misschien soms onbewust, een ontzettend grote rol bij de beleving. Het is denk ik niet gek om te stellen dat zonder muziek veel films helemaal niet meer leuk zouden zijn. Zo ging ik laatst naar Inception, de nieuwste blockbuster met Leonardo DiCaprio. Ik vond de film heel tof en merkte al…

Classical Explorations

When I started listening to classical music, I was 15. I didn’t want to, but my clarinet teacher made me listen to Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto. Like most 15 year olds, I considered classical music something for old and boring people. Little did I know! The clarinet concerto started to grow on me and my mother…