Favourites in Music (2014)

2015, welcome! Time to reflect on things from 2014, make lists and all that stuff. So, without further ado my favourite discoveries in 2014. They aren’t necessarily new, but I just discovered them this year. I made a Spotify playlist of my favourites 2014: clicky Agalloch – The Serpent and the Sphere (2014) My favourite…

Wolves In The Throne Room

Vorig jaar was het optreden van WITTR zo intens dat ik kippenvel kreeg, bijna moest huilen en een uur lang gebiologeerd naar de band keek. Ik was benieuwd of ze deze keer weer dat effect op me zouden hebben. Het optreden was in Tivoli de Helling, wat betekende dat ik slechts vijf minuutjes op de…


I’ve been obsessed with one album these past few days: Écailles de Lune from Alcest. Perhaps I listened to it so much because of the stormy, rainy weather, perhaps because my mood was a little melancholic, but mostly because this music is the kind of metal I enjoy the most. Like my favorite bands Agalloch,…