After I had facilitated a distributed Exploratory Testing workshop, that same client asked me to help them out some more and expand on the topic. I thought it would be a good idea to try out a distributed mob testing session to help them. It would have the added benefit of showing them how effective…
Agile Testing Days 2016: Wrap Up!
It’s a good thing Pete Walen was attending ATD again, because my live blogging efforts weren’t up to par this year. I posted two blogs so far, but they were neither live nor very detailed. It’s just that I didn’t attend a lot of talks this year. It seems that every year I go to…
Agile Testing Days 2016, Day 2
In the morning I was having the all too familiar fight with nerves again (every time I am about to give a presentation this happens). I stayed sober the night before, but I had very little sleep. I was already ‘busy’ with my talk in my mind. At breakfast, I struggled with a small egg…
Agile Testing Days 2016, Day 1
Never have I ever….Been hungover before a conference even started. Oops, guilty. I have never started a conference on such a weird note. I guess I have to tell what happened. The short version is: IF you cannot handle a lot of alcoholic beverages, THEN don’t drink a lot of said alcoholic beverages. Seems easy…
Tests are a form of waste?
I was in a meeting where a developer said: “every test is a form of waste”. Coincidentally, this meeting was about how the build was taking too long because the tests were slow, so I can see how the connection was made in the mind of the developer. It must be the tests, right?! What a…
Agile Testing Days – Day 3
Yesterday, after the last keynote I went to look at the car building party, which looked awesome and chaotic at the same time. People were really into it, and looked sweaty and excited. I went to the bar with a colleague of mine to have a nice talk over a glass of Talisker.And that was…
Agile Testing Days – Day 2
So, last night happened. In my opinion, the evening programme is what truly sets this conference apart from many others. It’s like being part of a big family or something, although the feeling gets somewhat enhanced by the nice food and drink. I ended up being part of a planned table setting, and we stormed…