It’s just that: – you don’t know how many pieces the puzzle has – whether you need all the pieces – which part of the jigsaw puzzle is relevant for your role
The many personalities of a software tester
I just had a weird insight that I want to share with you. Before I can share it, I must first explain the model that the insight was about. Have you ever heard of the Interpersonal Circumplex? It is a model to assess interpersonal behaviour, traits and motives of people. The vertical axis is about…
Series: Recovery in software development is lacking – Maximum Recoverable Volume (MRV)
In this post I’ll take a look what we can learn from the concept of MRV in strength sports when we apply it to software development. The theory from MRV can be found in the book “The Scientific Principles of Strength Training” and this is the source I’ll use. MRV in strength training explained For…
Series: Recovery in software development is lacking – Intro
If you do any type of sport you probably know a bit about the concept of recovery. To give an extremely simple explanation of recovery in sport in case you don’t know what it is: it’s what you do in between training sessions to feel ready to train again. Examples of what you can do…
Mapping Biases to Testing – Hypocognition
“What is hypocognition? If you don’t know, you’ve just experienced it.” In my opinion, there is no better way to introduce the concept of hypocognition than the sentence you just read. “Hypocognition, a term introduced to modern behavioral science by anthropologist Robert Levy, means the lack of a linguistic or cognitive representation for an object,…
Interviewing for new testers – advice from the community
It’s not often that I get to interview potential new tester colleagues so I asked for input from the test community on Twitter to help me out. This is the thread if you want to skip this post, but I’ll also make a more readable list here. Any brilliant no-brainer questions when interviewing for a…
UX designer for two days
Over the last few years I’ve always worked with UX designers, but I had never tried being one for two days. I had my chance last week when I was part of a “design pressure cooker” with a mission to make our app “simpler” and to enable our users to work together on lists. I…
Mob Programming Journey – The Start of the Start
Even though mob programming has been around in the way it’s currently known since 2011, I’ve been quite late to join the party. My first experience with it dates back to October 2016, when I had the pleasure of facilitating a workshop with Maaret about Exploratory Testing & Throw-away Test Automation. Maaret’s style was to…