Selling Quality

After giving a talk about testing to developers, someone in the audience asked: how do you sell testing and quality to the business? How do you get them to realise those are important? Those questions stopped me right in my tracks. In a sense, you never have to sell the concept of quality to anyone.…

Learning on the Job

I carve out time every day to learn new things while I’m at work. For me, learning can happen in many different ways: I might pair up with someone to work together, I might read a bit in a book about API testing, I might follow a tutorial on a specific tool, I might read…

Mapping Biases to Testing – The Framing Effect

Hello dear reader, welcome back to another blog post in de Mapping Biases to Testing series. Today, I’m going to write about the Framing Effect. This effect can potentially affect your work greatly. What’s even scarier is that you can never be sure, because the real world differs from a controlled scientific experiment. I’ll first…