Obscure music you haven’t heard before

Happy new year! To prove that I’m more cvlt than you, here are some obscure songs you haven’t heard before.
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - Winters Night
Genre: Darkwave
Puissance - Brittle
Genre: Neoclassical industrial (told you I’m cvlt as fuck)
Summoning - Our Foes Shall Fall
Genre: Tolkien themed black metal
Sol Invictus - Stay
Genre: neofolk
:Of the Wand and the Moon: - Absence
Genre: neofolk
Expect lots more writing from me this year. It’s going to be my main goal during this trip around the sun: write to my heart content, by hand and by keyboard. I truly want to focus more on long term stuff over the short term stuff. With that I mean: do more things that have a lasting impact (writing, or reading books) instead of short term actions (posting nonsense on social media, consuming the never ending bla bla bla from social media apps).
This blog will be the starting point for all this. I follow the principles of the IndieWeb (POSSE). I’ll post mainly here, and distribute it on other platforms. Easiest way to stay up to date is to subscribe or add my blog to your RSS reader.
I hope you’ll have a not so terrible year (it feels weird to wish people a good year, when the world is actively going to shit).
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