2023: Year in Review

My favorite tool/book/album and personal reflections about…. stuff. This headline clearly wasn’t written with ChatGPT. Two weeks ago, winter depression hit me hard, and I didn’t think I’d write this post. However: by some sort of Christmas miracle, I’m feeling okay right now, so I will seize the moment and write some words about the…

I stopped wearing my Apple Watch

Tired of keeping up with the movement goal streaks and collecting all this data about myself. What purpose does it serve? I once had a 600 something day streak in Duolingo. Then, life happened and I forgot Duolingo for two days. My streak was lost. The anger I felt was unreal, I wanted to strangle…

Cherish the public library

Knowledge should be accessible for everyone To “live sensibly” (my life motto) means, among other things, searching for antidotes to modern living1. One of the easiest antidotes available to us: books. You can lose yourself in a beautifully crafted story or learn about something that interests you. But before you run to the bookstore, please…

Playing in an orchestra shaped my life

Being part of a music society is beneficial in many ways, am I the last generation to benefit from this? I’m writing this piece as a demonstration of the important things in life. I feel like, as society, we got it all backwards nowadays. We focus on efficiency, making money, taking the easy way, instant…

Winning or learning

You’re never a loser, unless you consider yourself one In sports psychology there’s an exercise that has athletes reflect after a competition called “win or learn”. If they’ve won (and this doesn’t necessarily mean that they placed first, but rather that the day went as planned), great! If the day didn’t go as planned: what…