
Maaike Brinkhof

Hi, I’m Maaike, the author of this website. I test life, beer & software. I’m now learning how to code iOS apps. I love writing and I hope you enjoy reading the stories and blogs on my website. I work as a test consultant for a variety of clients. I own the company Sensibly together with my partner Oliver Verver. I also enjoy speaking about testing at conferences and meetups. My main topics are holistic testing, exploratory testing, and psychology in testing.

Although I like technology, I plan a lot of analogue time in my life. I love walking, especially in mountains. Sadly, the Netherlands don’t have any of those so I usually go to Scotland to get my ‘mountain-fix’. I appreciate spending quality time with my friends and family. I like to practice powerlifting four times a week to get strong. On top of that, I’m a bookworm. So instead of gazing at my phone, I’m probably gazing at my Kindle.

My biggest hobby is making music; I play the clarinet. Here’s a recording of my orchestra:

Hope you liked reading about me, don’t hesitate to get in contact if you want to chat! Shooting me a message on Twitter is probably the easiest, @Maaikees

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Maaike, my name is Petr Kolacek (from AVG) and we spoke about exploratory testing at ATD2015. I would like to stay in touch regarding this topic and sharing the material we have for education people around about it. Could you please get back to me, write me an email so we can share what we have so we can eventually get some new inspiration and ideas? Thank you. Regards, Petr

  2. Hello Mrs Brinkhof,

    my name is Tobias Spöcker and I am working for a software company called TOPdesk.
    I am a passionate tester and scrum master and I am responsible for organizing the organizations QA knowledge day this year. To get our internal knowledge sharing day on a whole new level, I am looking into getting external people to give a talk and to join the discussion.
    I’ve already been to conferences where you gave some presentations so I proposed to get in touch with you to see whether you would be interested in that. A topic our testing department would be interested in, is for example your talk about “Exploratory Testing with the Team: a Journey worth taking”.
    So my question for now is, if you are generally interested in giving a talk at our companies QA knowledge day and if so, how would the payment look like ;-)?

    Some info:
    Company: TOPdesk
    Location: TOPdesk headquarter Delft, Netherlands
    Date: 14th and 15th of June

    Please let me know if you are up for that.

    Greetings from Germany,

    Tobias Spöcker
    Scrum Master & QA Software Engineer

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